Blogging has always seemed like something people do who have a lot to talk about and until recently I haven't put myself in that category.  After reading the article Dean Shareski posted to our Ecmp 355 blog, titled Talker's Block  by Seth Godin I have changed my mind.  My favourite quote from this blog/article was, "Write like you talk.  Often."  (Seth Godin, Talker's Block)  I took a creative writing class in high school and this was the exact advice I was given by my high school teacher, our assignment was to keep a journal and write every day.  So, I sort of feel comfort in this blog and I also seem to be taking this blog a bit more serious than the journal I just kept for myself in high school.  I suppose this connects to the class we had earlier in the week; I wrote in my notes that when student work is on the internet for the whole world to see students feel it has a lasting and meaningful effect on them, which I took from Dean Shareski.  This is how I feel, I don't hit the 'publish' button on here until I've looked through my post and made sure I am feeling okay with the post I have just written.  So, if I feel this way about my words that I'm posting to the world to see, students should/hopefully have a similar feeling with their work.  

Also, if you have five and a half minutes to spare, take a look at this video I posted below.  I really encourage you to check it out, you won't be disappointed!